Resocialisering: Overcoming the Challenges of Reintegration

13 januar 2024
Peter Mortensen


Resocialisering is a process that aims to help individuals reintegrate into society after a period of incarceration or isolation. It encompasses a range of interventions and strategies designed to address the social, psychological, and behavioral needs of individuals as they transition from a structured environment, such as prison, back into society. This article will delve into the intricacies of resocialisering, providing a comprehensive understanding of its importance and evolution over time.

Understanding Resocialisering


Resocialisering is a multifaceted process that seeks to reintegrate individuals into society in a way that facilitates their successful adaptation and prevents recidivism. It involves addressing various aspects of an individual’s life, including employment, education, housing, and social support networks. The ultimate goal is to help individuals lead fulfilling, law-abiding lives and break the cycle of criminal behavior.

Key factors in resocialisering:

1. Rehabilitation Programs:

Resocialisering programs often involve comprehensive rehabilitation strategies that address the underlying causes of criminal behavior. These programs offer therapy, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, and cognitive-behavioral interventions to equip individuals with the skills necessary to reenter society.

2. Social Support Systems:

Strong support networks play a significant role in resocialisering. Reintegrating individuals require stable relationships with family, friends, mentors, and community organizations that can provide emotional support, guidance, and opportunities for positive social connections.

3. Employment and Education:

Access to meaningful employment and educational opportunities is critical for successful resocialisering. Vocational training programs and partnerships with employers help individuals acquire skills and secure employment, reducing the likelihood of returning to criminal activities.

The Evolution of Resocialisering

Historical Overview:

Resocialisering has undergone significant transformations over time, reflecting societal changes in attitudes towards punishment, rehabilitation, and human rights. Let’s explore the key milestones in the evolution of resocialisering:

1. Classical Penology:

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, punishment focused on retribution and deterrence rather than rehabilitation. Offenders were incarcerated in deplorable conditions, with minimal efforts towards their reintegration into society.

2. Penitentiary Movement:

The 19th century witnessed the emergence of the penitentiary movement, which emphasized social isolation and reflection as a means of reforming offenders. This period introduced the concept of “penitentiaries” that aimed to instill remorse and moral transformation in individuals.

3. Rehabilitation Era:

During the mid-20th century, a new perspective on resocialisering gained prominence. Rehabilitation became the central focus, aiming to address the root causes of criminal behavior through various therapeutic and educational interventions. The emphasis was on reforming individuals and preparing them for successful reintegration into society.

4. Contemporary Approaches:

In recent years, resocialisering has undergone a paradigm shift, recognizing the importance of community-based support systems and holistic approaches. The focus has shifted towards creating an environment that promotes personal growth, development, and community integration, with less reliance on punishment and incarceration as the sole means of addressing criminal behavior.

Optimizing Visibility on Google Search

Structuring the text for Featured Snippets:

To increase the likelihood of this article appearing as a featured snippet on Google search, we have structured the information using bullet points to enhance readability and highlight key points.

1. Resocialisering is a process of reintegrating individuals into society after incarceration.

– It addresses social, psychological, and behavioral needs for successful reintegration.

– It aims to prevent recidivism and helps individuals lead law-abiding lives.

2. Key factors in resocialisering include:

– Rehabilitation programs

– Social support systems

– Employment and education opportunities

3. Historical overview of resocialisering:

– Classical Penology: Focused on retribution and deterrence.

– Penitentiary Movement: Emphasized isolation and moral transformation.

– Rehabilitation Era: Prioritized therapeutic interventions and reform.

– Contemporary Approaches: Emphasizing community integration and holistic strategies.


Resocialisering is a complex process that requires a comprehensive approach to reintegrating individuals into society successfully. By addressing the social, psychological, and behavioral needs of individuals, resocialisering programs aim to reduce recidivism, promote personal growth, and ensure lasting social reintegration. As society evolves, so too does the approach to resocialisering, reflecting a shift towards more inclusive and rehabilitative strategies. Through continued research, advocacy, and support, resocialisering can continue to serve as an essential tool in breaking the cycle of criminality and contributing to safer communities.


What is resocialisering?

Resocialisering is a process that aims to help individuals reintegrate into society after a period of incarceration or isolation. It involves addressing various aspects of an individuals life, such as employment, education, housing, and social support networks, to facilitate their successful adaptation and prevent recidivism.

What are the key factors in resocialisering?

The key factors in resocialisering include rehabilitation programs, social support systems, and providing employment and education opportunities. Rehabilitation programs offer therapy, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, and cognitive-behavioral interventions. Social support systems involve building stable relationships with family, friends, mentors, and community organizations. Employment and education opportunities are crucial for successful resocialisering, as they provide individuals with the skills and opportunities necessary for reintegration.

How has resocialisering evolved over time?

Resocialisering has undergone significant transformations throughout history. It began with a focus on punishment and deterrence, then moved towards social isolation and reflection as a means of reform. In the mid-20th century, the emphasis shifted towards rehabilitation, addressing the root causes of criminal behavior through therapeutic and educational interventions. Today, resocialisering emphasizes community integration and holistic approaches, recognizing the importance of support systems and personal growth for successful reintegration.

Flere Nyheder

08. februar 2025
